According to the Daily Record, rapper Snoop Lion (yes, that is the same person as Snoop Dogg), is interested in owning a piece of Celtic FC of the Scottish Premier League. What, you didn't know that Snoop was a big soccer fan? Well, for your information, he most definitely kind of is.
Snoop was inspired to get involved after watching the club, who are worth around £30million, beat Barcelona in the Champions League earlier this month.
He said: "I got a lot of interest in soccer. It's not a new thing for hip hop stars to invest in sports teams but it is a new thing for hip hop stars to invest in soccer teams.
"I didn't catch the whole Barcelona game but I watched the highlights. I know Barcelona are
a big deal, and it shows Celtic are a big deal as well.
His reasoning may be a bit flimsy, but I don't see anything wrong with it. I mean, isn't that the point of becoming rich in the first place, so that you can just spend exorbitant amounts of money on cool shit you see on T.V.?
Snoop is even considering buying a home in the UK so he can keep a closer eye on his investment, as the Daily Record pointed out in the most British way possible:
And Snoop, who was once banned from coming to the UK after a series of drug and firearms offences, says he is so serious that he'd even consider buying a "crib" – or home – here to keep an eye on his investment.
We hope Snoop follows through with his plan and it leads to British newspapers having to parse through his soundbites on a regular basis. That would be fun.