Giant man-puppy Rob Gronkowski has been in New Orleans all week, enjoying the Super Bowl festivities. Yesterday, he swung by the SportsCenter set to tell us that he hates being injured "to the max," and then he made one little kid's year by dropping $100 on a glass of lemonade. Once Gronk was finished being hilarious and melting hearts, though, he returned to his comfort zone: being shirtless and drinking beer.
The picture above comes from a Reddit user, who claims that it was snapped last night at a bar called Bogie's in Baton Rouge. It should be noted that Baton Rouge is about 80 miles away from New Orleans, which would mean that Gronk went well out of his way for this particular night of college-town partying. While nursing a broken arm, no less. We can't help but admire his determination.
h/t Mejdy