Miami Marlins outfielder Juan Pierre has a website. The website is called This is what the "about" page on says:
Before I got saved I always thought Christians were soft especially Christian athletes. So once I got saved and developed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I realized that Jesus is a Beast. Jesus isn't soft by any means. He died for me, for all of us, on the cross – He took my place on it (the Cross) and He saved me from eternal destruction (hell). Also, He was relentless in pursuing to do His Father's business – He never gave up! Jesus is our best example of how we should live on this earth. So if Jesus is a Beast then I should be a beast in every aspect of my life whether I'm on the baseball field or off the field - as a husband, father, son, brother, employee, church member, etc. So to be in Beast Mode is to be in Christ Mode!!!
If you want to go hard for the lord with Juan Pierre, you can buy a Beast Mode For Christ shirt here. All proceeds go to charity.