There was some world-class jagoffery going on in the Duke student section during last night's N.C. State-Duke game. In the second half, N.C. State guard Tyler Lewis stepped to the free-throw line and was reportedly greeted by a chant of, "How's your grandma?" from the Cameron Crazies. Lewis's grandma died last Friday. You can listen for yourself in the video above, but it's tough to decipher exactly what was being said. Whatever's being said does sound a bit like, "Past your bedtime!" which the Crazies were reportedly chanting throughout the game. Still, accusations and conflicting information began to swirl on Twitter.
And this, from Lewis's teammate Rich Howell, has been getting retweeted despite Howell's account being protected:
A post denying that the chant ever happened was posted on the Duke Chronicle sports blog last night, but the debate continued in the comments section.
We're inclined to give the Crazies the benefit of the doubt. After all, the Dookies have always proven themselves to be the classiest of class acts.