Welcome to your Sad Derrick Rose update. Previously, we shared a collection of soul-crushing headlines about the progress of Sad Derrick Rose's rehab. Then, we found this GIF-like thing (it's called a vine) of Sad Derrick Rose executing a spin move and a layup with all the explosiveness of a dad getting in some post-work run at the YMCA.
Today's Sad Derrick Rose update comes courtesy of an interview that Rose gave to USA Today. Take it away, Sad Derrick Rose:
"I don't have a set date," Rose told USA TODAY Sports on Monday in his first extensive interview since the 2012-13 NBA season began. "I'm not coming back until I'm 110%. Who knows when that can be? It can be within a couple of weeks. It could be next year. It could be any day. It could be any time. It's just that I'm not coming back until I'm ready."
How close is Rose to 110%?
"Right now, probably in the high 80s," he said. "Far away. Far away."
The Return is picking up steam! Get excited, you guys.