What do your jokes say about you? That's what Robert Lynch wants to know. He's pursuing his Ph.D. in evolutionary anthropology at Rutgers, and his studies focus on why humans laugh. (He's also a standup comedian.) Lynch is in the discussion below, ready to answer all your questions about the science of jokes.
If you want to know a little more about Lynch's work, check out this recent profile from NPR, which caught a bit of his standup act:
"I work with this guy named Marvin Feldstein," Lynch deadpans. "And you all know him from his famous work on alternative mating strategies in the red-tufted lemur. But the other day I'm chatting with Marv in the hallway, and he's saying, you know, Homo ergaster is the direct descendant of Homo erectus. You know how it goes, right? And I say, "listen, Marv, everybody knows that Homo heidelburgensis is the direct ancestor of ergaster. Alright. That's the kind of s- - - I have to deal with..."
Have at it.
UPDATE: Okay folks, Robert had to run. Thanks for joining us, and we apologize for the technical issues at the start. Hope you had fun.