Penn State Failed To Comply With Federal Law For Two Decades
Aside from being morally repugnant, Penn State officials' failure to report the incident concerning Jerry Sandusky sexually assaulting Victim 2 to the university police department in 2001 was a...
View ArticleWhat Should Be Done To The Joe Paterno Statue? Let's Discuss!
With the recent discovery that the Joe Paterno statue outside of Beaver Stadium is no longer being guarded by police, the Deadspin staff couldn't help but start brainstorming ways that the statue...
View ArticleComcast SportsNet Gives Us Some Sage Advice About Ass
From tipster Doug comes the above screengrab, which was taken from a broadcast on Comcast SportsNet's Chicago affiliate. Amongst the clutter of the studio's backdrop are some very wise words...
View ArticleAnn Romney's Horse Hangs Out With Assholes
So, part of my job as a Deadspin intern has involved writing some those fun Olympic field guides that you may have seen on the site recently. Today I started writing one about Ann Romney's dressage...
View ArticleYou Can Waste A Morning Looking At These New Sports Infographics
Co. Design has a story about New York designer Deroy Peraza's latest project, in which he has created visual representations of the result of every NFL, MLB, NHL, and NBA postseason in history. Each...
View ArticleHere Is The Inevitable Photo Of Pedobear Posing Alongside The Joe Paterno Statue
The attached photo was snapped and sent into us by an anonymous tipster. Yes, that is a person in a Pedobear costume standing mockingly next to the Paterno statue. We present it to you without further...
View ArticleWith Jeremy Lin Gone, All The Knicks Need Is A Decent Point Guard. Again.
OK, it's over. Having gone through the drama of winning Jeremy Lin his early Bird rights, so the Knicks could afford to re-sign their most popular player, Knicks management maneuvered itself into a...
View ArticleWe Made Up With The Mean Dressage Guy
On Tuesday, I told you about my encounter with Ken Braddick, proprietor of and the guy who haughtily dismissed my request to use one of his photos. I called Ken an asshole, because,...
View ArticleThe Nuggets' Front-Court Is Going Viral
Late last night, word came down that the Nuggets had re-signed center JaVale McGee to a four year, $44 million contract. McGee will join recently acquired forward Anthony Randolph and forward Kenneth...
View ArticleThe NRA Wishes Shooters A Happy Friday [UPDATES]
Early this morning, the American Rifleman, the self-described "official journal of the National Rifle Association" sent out the following tweet: Good morning, shooters. Happy Friday! Weekend plans? —...
View ArticleHere Is The Most Insane Review Of The Dark Knight Rises You Will Ever Read
Do you remember those kids in your college literature course who were the absolute worst during discussions? The ones who would make completely off-the-wall statements about even the most...
View ArticlePlaying Basketball For Team USA Sure Seems Like Fun
From USA Today Sports, which has its own Pinterest board(!), comes this sunny photo gallery of Team USA basketball players practicing in Spain. We'll never know if this iteration of the Olympic team...
View ArticlePatrick Kane Says He Doesn't Have A Drinking Problem
We're no strangers to Patrick Kane, with evidence of the Kaner's antics often finding its way into our tips box. Most recently, there were rumblings that the Chicago Blackhawks were looking into...
View ArticleToday's USA-Spain Basketball Game Could Mean Everything Or Nothing
The last time the United States and Spanish Olympic basketball teams met each other, they gave us one of the greatest basketball games that nobody watched. That was the 2008 gold medal game in...
View ArticleUSA Vs. Spain: Let's Discuss
The US men's basketball team is set to tip off its exhibition match against Spain in just a few minutes. Earlier, we wrote about what this game could mean, and now we want to yak about it with you as...
View ArticleOlympic Field Guide: Rafalca, Ann Romney's Poor Horse
Name: Rafalca Sport: Dressage, in which a horse—ridden by someone in funny clothes—must complete a series of choreographed movements based on physical cues the rider gives. It has been referred to as...
View ArticleThe Miami Marlins Are Getting The Bad Season They Deserve
Having now traded away infielder and former franchise cornerstone Hanley Ramirez, second baseman Omar Infante, and starting pitcher Anibal Sanchez, it appears that the Miami Marlins are in full...
View ArticleHow Football May Have Killed A 17-Year-Old Boy
Earlier this week, the Washingtonian published a haunting story about Austin Trenum, a high school football player who killed himself just days after suffering a concussion during one of his games....
View ArticleWhy Would An Olympic Basketball Player Not Want To Lead His Team In Scoring?...
Thanks to Grant Hill, another interesting piece of Olympic basketball lore has risen to the surface. Yesterday, Hill went on the Dan Patrick Show, and talked about how nobody on the 1996 Olympic...
View ArticleHere Are Your All-Time Vacated Standings For Division I College Football
The NCAA swung its shithammer on Monday, and Penn State had to vacate a staggering 112 victories. Joe Paterno was no longer the winningest coach in college football history. But he became the...
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